Saturday, October 17, 2009

Toast Box

Late this morning we went to a restaurant called the Toast Box. I am not sure if it is Japanese, but the food on the menu appeared to be Japanese.

We had french toast, sans Maple Syrup, coffee and lemon ice tea.

It was different, but tasty. Perhaps a dash of cinnamon or nutmeg and, of course, maple syrup would have enhanced it. I would have tried something different, but I was too lazy today to ask what was in each item.

I am impressed with the fast food outlets. They do not generally use disposable plates or cutlery. Most restaurant I visited used real plates and cutlery or bio-degradable cutlery. Why can't we do that? Drinks, however, were always in plastic containers. I did use a plastic spoon at the Indian restaurant a few days ago. I noticed a paucity of napkins though, so I take Kleenex, Splash 'n Go, Wet Wipes with me wherever I go.

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