Thursday, April 17, 2008

April 17 Update

Hello Family and Friends:

Today was a big day for Robin. He sat in a chair for an hour. He had the chest tubes removed. He walked to the bathroom by himself. He ate half a sandwich. Yes, he's starting from square one.
It was a tougher day than yesterday--he felt more pain and he was exhausted. He had a low-grade fever for a good part of the day. He slept a lot. Dr. David said this is all normal.
Despite the low key day, Robin was still Robin and maintained his "let's do it" attitude.

Robin received gorgeous plants and flowers. These added much needed colour and beauty to the grayness of the room.
The staff and volunteers at TGH are fantastic. The volunteers that spoke with us have all gone through the procedure and are helping us understand what to expect over the next year (8 weeks, 6 months and 1 year).
Take care all.
Warm regards

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