Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Day After Surgery

Hello Everyone:

Robin is now out of ICU (Toronto General Hospital). He was moved to the Peter Munk In-Patient Ward (4B-Cardiovascular Unit). After a visit from his Doctor this morning, he learned that he also had a hole in his heart. Dr. David also repaired this. Robin was surprised, but relieved to learn this.

He had waves of nausea, but is taking something to settle his stomach. He is cheerful and animated, even though he falls asleep quickly. The nausea and sleepiness are normal. Robin describes the pain as being "hit by a train". He read this train analogy on the internet and claims that it is true. He said his little heart pillow is his best buddy (see picture above).
I told him about all the emails and best wishes that you sent. They are totally amazing. I will print them and bring them to him in a couple of days. I know he will devour them. By giving him your heart, you have helped his.
Robin feels he will be ready for visitors starting Friday. The hospital's Visitor Policy is two (2) visitors per day, so if you wish to visit please let me know by email so we can stay as near as possible to the policy. Another reason to email is that we are not entirely sure when he will be discharged--we would not want you to visit and find him gone. Thank you. Note: I will only be able to see emails at the end of the day.
Robin sends a huge thank you, merci to everyone. He knows he is on a journey and he is so touched that you are cheering him on.
We are so blessed to have you in our lives.
Warmest regards
April MacDonell


Unknown said...

Is that Robin sucking on a Tim's coffee so soon? That's a remarkable recovery.

Glad to see his thumb is up and well as his spirits.

April, thanks for providing this timely information.

- Laurence

Liz and Richard said...

Maybe it's not coffee!!!

Miles & Jo said...

Hi Uncle Robin,

Looking good. Sending you our love and prayers.

Eliza and Ned called to find out how you are doing & send their love.

Watch out Auntie Ann, your husband is fixed now. What a champ!!!!


Miles & Jo